Magical realism, or even history-fantasy hybrid films, serve the narrative purpose of allowing protagonists to transcend their experiential reality and find so...
When the idea of “pandemic movies” becoming a sort of subgenre was formed and necessitated by global conditions, there was a groan that could be heard around t...
On the basis of filmmakers like Lijo Jose Pelliserry, Salim Ahmed, Jeetu Joseph, Dileesh Pothan, Geethu Mohandas, and Rajiv Ravi, the state of Kerala (of which...
The best way to describe Ildikó Enyedi’s latest film is a disappointing Martin Eden. Despite having just as much of an eye for beautiful imagery as Pietro Marc...
African cinema may, for most, be top of the blindspot list. The history of filmmaking, distribution, and access to cinema in African countries is contentious: ...
Cajun music’s most magical, unique aspect is how it creates joyous, raucous compositions from minimal instrumentation. Most Cajun bands consist, maybe, of a vi...
Over the 21st century, Bollywood cinema has entered into a completely different era of filmmaking and storytelling than was being made in the decades prior. Ac...