Earlier today I had the wonderful opportunity of doing an on-phone with Terry Gilliam to discuss his upcoming film The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. While we mostly discussed his excellent new film, he was also nice enough to clear up a rumor that’s been spreading the past few days. The fact is: Johnny Depp will not be in The Man Who Killed Don Quixote and Terry Gilliam reconfirmed this today. Many sites have reported that the information may be false, but this is the first report straight from his mouth. Here’s what he had to say:

The other day you were quoting saying that you re-wrote Don Quixote and that Depp is now going to be in it, or were you just misquoted?

Terry Gilliam: I don’t know where that came from. I think somebody, when they were playing their tape back… Me and my bad annunciation gets to me a little at times, but no. I don’t know where that came from. I read the transcript I saw on the web and it has me saying ‘yeah’ but it was probably just me saying ‘nah.’ (laughs) That’s probably what I was saying. So no, Johnny is not going to be in it. The sooner we stop that one the better, because the web is so funny because it’s just gossip. It’s like a bunch of old ladies talking across the garden fence who are hanging laundry.

Make sure to check out my full interview with Mr. Gilliam in the coming weeks at DVD Talk.

Gilliam’s latest, The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus, hits theaters on Christmas and will be expanding wide on January 8th. Check out Dan Mecca’s review from Cannes Film Festival this past May.

Are you disappointed Depp wont be in Don Quixote? 

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