Following The Green Knight, David Lowery spent the pandemic crafting another Disney reimagining, after directing the only worthwhile one yet, Pete's Dragon. Ah...
After hitting shelves over three decades ago, Don DeLillo's "unfilmable" masterpiece White Noise has now been adapted and ahead of this Friday's theatrical rel...
We're now just a few weeks away from James Cameron's first feature in thirteen years and, as expected, the pre-release interview cycle is delivering the goods....
At the age of 84, Polish director Jerzy Skolimowski has crafted one of the most vigorously energetic and vibrant films of the year. Inspired by Bresson's semin...
Each week we highlight the noteworthy titles that have recently hit streaming platforms in the United States. Check out this week’s selections below and past r...
Steven Spielberg is clearly feeling nostalgic. Following the stellar one-two punch of his West Side Story remake and looking back once more for his autobiograp...
After making one of the most striking debuts of the last few years with his black-and-white Bait, shot on a hand-cranked Bolex camera and 16mm, Mark Jenkin ret...
In terms of the sheer range of directors he has worked with, there may be no more impressive a career than that of Willem Dafoe. In between his recent collabor...
Considering the purely entertaining reads that are Quentin Tarantino’s first pair of books—his expansion of Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood and the recently rel...
The holidays are upon us, so whether you looking for film-related gifts or simply want to pick up some of the finest the year had to offer in the category for ...
Jordan Raup is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Film Stage and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic. Track his obsessive film-watching on Letterboxd.