Reflecting on the making of his debut feature Shivers, David Cronenberg once remarked that he figured his vision for an ultra-modern horror film exploring curr...
Some films seem heavy from the outset. Taking on a number of Black transgender sex workers as its subject while splitting time between New York and Georgia––cu...
If one must ascribe a theme to the Michel Hazanavicius project, it might be documenting the progression of film history: The Artist the silent era, Redoubtable...
Perhaps it’s presumptuous to say, but I sensed during The Passengers of the Night that I was watching another film in the line of The Fabelmans or (God forbid)...
So it’s come to this: Spider-Man 10, technically. The future prophesied by many Hollywood alarmists, but now with more madness in the multi-verse (I cringe eve...
Even having interviewed Abel Ferrara a decade ago on the occasion of Ms. 45's re-release, an opportunity to speak with the legend still felt exciting, and bord...
With this past January’s Plane and now Kandahar, B-movie mainstay Gerard Butler has officially entered his Sad Dad era, a key scene in this new film being him ...
A dramatization of true events, The Night of the 12th mines a particular subgenre of the crime picture, the “Cold Case” (its own Bush-era CBS procedural). The ...
This is probably an odd thing to say, but whenever watching a modern potboiler I find myself asking, “What would Bertrand Tavernier think?” The kind of French ...
To Catch a Killer’s logline is about as familiar as its title: a rookie cop with a detective's intelligence and drive, Eleanor Falco (Shailene Woodley) finds h...