Working with him may cast eyes aside and whatever you end up doing together is—for, let’s say, various reasons—less than likely to ever legally screen in the United States, but Woody Allen remains a certifiably loved commodity across the pond. And so, about a year since A Rainy Day in New York opened everywhere except its namesake city, the Woodman returns with Rifkin’s Festival, debuting September 18 at the San Sebastián International Film Festival and previewed, today, with a trailer.
The verdict: late-period Woody Allen. Lovely, slightly artificial lighting from Vittorio Storaro; decent quips aplenty in just two minutes; a leading role for Wallace Shawn, the kind of actor only someone of Allen’s age would give such duties; and the mindset that thinks Shawn v. Louis Garrel in the war for a woman’s heart (Gina Gershon) makes any shred of sense. It looks nice! Watch for its American opening on various sites we’d rather not mention by name.
See the trailer and poster below: