Paprika the 2006 animated film by Anime auteur Satoshi Kon is a truly wondrous and surreal film that at first glance could only seems possible in animated form. Not to Wolfgang Peterson it doesn’t! Speaking with MTV News, Wolfgang revealed that the live-action adaptation is being fast tracked as his next project and the film’s scale will be comparable to the level of The Matrix.
“We open it up a little bit more so it’s more accessible for a wide audience, but it comes a little bit sort of The Matrix feel. Not like The Matrix but sort of the size of it all, the scope of it all. So that it becomes more of a film for a mainstream audience.” Source MTV News
While interesting in concept, the challenge will truly be daunting as most of Paprika is set in a world of dreams that is so surreal and bizarre, that a live action interpretation might hamper it. Still, I have faith in Wolfgang considering he made one of the most magical dream worlds come to life in The Neverending Story.
Do you think Paprika should be remade?