The third installment in the Narnia series, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, opened with the series’ weakest weekend, earning only $24.5 million. Despite its low total, it still managed to hold box office crown, finishing $7.5 million ahead of The Tourist, which debuted at a low $17 million.

Animated success Tangled showed this weekend earning $14.5 million in its third weekend, bringing its total to $115 million. Meanwhile, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 continues to ride the wave of re-watchers, earning $8.5 million in its fourth weekend. It has now grossed $115 million.

Oscar favorite Black Swan added 72 theaters (totaling 90) and still brought in $3.3 million to finish in 6th this weekend. It has now grossed $5.6 million with a very small release.

Next week sees two big markets releases as Tron Legacy tries to start a franchise against Yogi Bear. I fully expect Tron Legacy to rule the weekend. Oscar buzz surrounds How Do You Know which opens next weekend and also The Fighter, which gets a wide release. Expect some solid earnings for them, but distantly behind.

Check out the top 10: (movie- weekend;total)

1. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader– $24,500,000; $24,500,000

2. The Tourist– $17,000,000; $17,000,000

3. Tangled– $14,559,000; $115,623,000

4. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1– $8,500,000; $257,688,000

5. Unstoppable– $3,750,000; $74,272,000

6. Black Swan– $3,332,000; $5,611,000

7. Burlesque– $3,200,000; $32,574,000

8. Love and Other Drugs– $3,000,000; $27,648,000

9. Due Date– $2,545,000; $94,884,000

10. Megamind– $2,510,000; $140,202,000

Will you catch Tron Legacy next weekend? What did you see this weekend?

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