
Variety is reporting that director Gore Verbinski will not be directing the next Pirates of the Caribbean film, opting for a film adaptation of the popular 2007 videogame Bioshock.  This isn’t the end of his partnership with Bruckhemier though. He states: “I had a fantastic time bringing ‘Pirates’ to life, and I am eternally grateful to Jerry, Johnny and the rest of the creative and production team. “I’m looking forward to all of us crossing paths again in the future.”

This a wonderful news. After the dysmal third Pirates film, I desperately hope he can get Bioshock right. The story in the videogame is absolutely astonishing. I remember playing it when it came out and being completely blown away. I will definitely be looking forward to this adapatation. I wonder who will direct the 4th Pirates, as it is supposed to be released in 2010.

What do you think of Verbinski ditching Pirates for Bioshock?

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