Under-appreciated actress Vera Farmiga will step behind the camera for the upcoming indie film Higher Ground. She will direct and star in the flick, according to Production Weekly’s Twitter [via Cinematical].

Fresh off her Oscar nomination for Up In The Air, her directorial debut will be an adaptation of Carolyn Briggs’ book This Dark World: A Memoir of Salvation Found and Lost. I have to admit the story looks really intriguing. It tells the story of a born-again Christian and self-identified Jesus Freak. Ultimately she ends up ostracized by her non-traditional church’s beliefs.

No doubt this will be a heavy movie for her, which I think is a good canvas to excel. Obviously she is a talented actress, which could certainly carry the project a long way. Without the overbearing need for explosions and spectacle in the way, this would be a great stepping stone for her. Let’s see how she does.

What do you think about actor/directors? Are you interested in this flick?

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