Raymond Carver‘s short story Why Don’t You Dance? has been adapted into a feature film by Dan Rush and now we have the first trailer. I saw the independent film starring Will Ferrell at TIFF last fall and enjoyed it. The script is sharp, but Rush’s one-note and bland direction puts it into the standard quirky indie category we’ve seen over and over again. It’s still worth checking out for those Ferrell naysayers that believe he has worn out his welcome. Supporting performances from Rebecca Hall and Laura Dern are also solid. Check out the trailer below via Apple and read my full TIFF review here.


Adapted and directed by Dan Rush, and based on a short story by Raymond Carver, EVERYTHING MUST GO tells the story of NICK PORTER (WILL FERRELL) a career salesman whose days of being on top are long gone. The same day Nick gets fired, for falling off the wagon one last time, he returns home to discover his wife has left him, changed the locks on their suburban home and dumped all his possessions out on the front yard. Faced with his life imploding, Nick puts it all on the line – or more properly, on the lawn – reluctantly holding a yard sale that becomes a unique strategy for survival.

Everything Must Go hits theaters May 13th, 2011.

What do you think of the trailer? Are you sick of Ferrell?

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