It may be the fervent fandom of TBS’s premier redheaded talk show host, Conan O’Brien, that has caused the latest change in the marketing of the previously titled Conan, a remake of the 1982 Arnold Schwarzenegger action adventure Conan the Barbarian. Box Office Mojo (via Cinema Blend) has revealed the producers of the 2011 slated remake have renamed the Jason Momoa vehicle (drum roll please)…. Conan the Barbarian!

It’s assumed producers felt the previous title, Conan 3D, would not assert the kind of brand recognition one hopes for from a Schwarzenegger cult favorite. Therefore, they reverted to the tried and true title of the original. Surely with this “change” Conan the Barbarian will prove to be one of the summer’s most well received movies. Right?

Are you eager for Conan the Barbarian‘s 3D relaunch?

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