
New Line Cinema has released a trailer for the long awaited The Time Traveler’s Wife, or as I like to call it Met Six Year Old Girl And Travels Through Time to Marry Her In The Future Guy’s Wife. I know we are all supposed to believe in a true love that knows no bounds including space and time, but am I the only one that finds this plot a little strange? Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams co-star in this adaptation of the 2004 best seller by Audrey Niffenegger.  The film features a librarian (Bana) that has Chrono-Displacement Disorder. Yes you read correctly, Chrono-Displacement Disorder. This genetic disorder randomly hurtles Bana involuntarily through time. He meets his wife (McAdams) at various points in her life in his travels. The random time traveling naturally becomes the crux of their marriage and the film explores that dynamic. The film is now set for a theatrical release on August 14th, 2009. Check out the trailer after the jump and leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Check out the trailer below

The film’s very unique take on the traditional romantic drama plot might make the film stand out among those that use the standard romance formula.  As science fiction and comic books become even more prevalent in pop culture will we start to see more of the traditional film themes being merged with science fiction undertones?

Here is the poster:

time traveler's wife

Would you be more likely to watch a romantic drama that deals with time travel?

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