Wall-E and Finding Nemo director Andrew Stanton has jumped into live-action territory with the epic sci-fi adventure John Carter of Mars, due out in 2012. Now it looks like another Pixar veteran may do the same, Heat Vision reports. The Incredibles, Ratatouille and The Iron Giant helmer Brad Bird is being considered to direct the fourth Mission: Impossible with Tom Cruise to reprise his role.

Producers J.J. Abrams and Cruise have also met with Zombieland‘s Ruben Fleischer and Edgar Wright of Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead fame, who has Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World coming out this August.

Bird would be a great fit. His action scenes in The Incredibles were very well done and after three features with acutely told stories, he could be the perfect man for the job. He has been interested in getting into live-action with a project about the 1906 San Franciso earthquake at WB, but nothing has come of that due to budget problems. Check out our report on 1906 from almost a year ago and keep checking back to TFS for all MI:4 updates.

Paramount is looking at a May 27th, 2011 release date with filming to start this summer.

Would you like to see Brad Bird accept the mission?

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