It seems like the appropriate time for a list like this, right at the beginning of the year: the wasteland of BIG film endeavors gone awry and long-delayed productions resurrected for a quick death at the box office (thank you, Relativity Media); once-hot-now-cold scripts that were once on this black list or that black list now underline a January release. Some directors will confirm their long-gestating downfall (Mr. Ron Howard, for example) while others will wade farther into the depths of mediocrity after beginning their careers with such promise (Dominic Sena comes to mind). In short, it’s a time stock full of Season Of The Witch‘s and The Dilemma’s.

But let us not forget that the year is long and films are plenty. January through March is merely a crescendo to the other 9 months. Last year saw passionate misfires (Last Airbender, Hereafter) and bouts of technical in-proficiency (Cop Out) throughout the year. And what we saw perhaps the most of was those films that were neither passionate nor lacking proficiency. Those films that came into theaters with a bang and left with a whimper. That promised something and delivered, well, nothing. No unintentional laughs, no saving-grace performances. Not a score to remember or a set design to cling hope to.

Those bland films. Those black holes of talent, vacuumed into a bout of professionalism so dry the desert would be gasping for water. Below our own Raffi Asdourian has has compiled a video of such films, the best of the bland if you will, to remind all those fallen cinephiles and movie fans of the year behind us, to better serve as a warning to the year in front.

What were the most forgettable 2010 films for you?

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