It’s been a long year for former movie star Mel Gibson. Well, make it a long half-decade. Between getting drunk, pulled over, spewing anti-semitic slurs, allegedly cursing his girlfriend out with an unbelievable amount of hate and watching his supposed comeback action vehicle Edge of Darkness enter theaters somewhat D.O.A., the actor who gave us franchises like Lethal Weapon and Mad Max and director who gave us Braveheart and Apocalypto is, more or less, a lost cause.

Or is he? With the online trailer premiere of the Jodie Foster-directed, Kyle Killen-written The Beaver, all of the promises made about Gibson’s standout performance appear not to be in vain.

See for yourself [via Apple]:

It looks like a 21st century mash-up of the James Stewart 1950 film Harvey and the 1979 Peter Sellers film Being There. Which is very, very exciting.

What do you think of this trailer? Will you see the Gibson vehicle in theaters next year?

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