Thanks to a reports by /Film and it seems many upcoming studio films will/may be shot in 3D thanks to the “Avatar effect.” When a film makes that much bank, you can bet we will be seeing the ripple effect for a long time. The first film being reported is the upcoming Bond film tentatively titled Bond 23. According to a quote on smh’s site:

An insider said: “The 23rd Bond movie has been put back a few months and that has given them the time to prepare to film it in 3D. Everyone involved in the project is really excited because it will take the franchise in a new direction.”

Up next on the 3D chopping block is Bryan Singer‘s next production Jack the Giant Killer. Reportedly Singer has asked New Line Cinema to allow the format change but New Line is reluctant. The final updates come from the Paramount camp. Paramount is currently in talked to shoot the upcoming Star Trek 2 and Transformers 3 in 3D. According to a quote on /Film’s page:

Paramount executives have already begun debating whether to shoot the next film in 3-D, even if that increases the cost and production difficulty, according to one person who was briefed on the talks.

This isn’t the first time we have heard rumors of a 3D Star Trek but this is the first people are hearing of a Transformers 3 3D move. Director Michael Bay has stated on multiple occasions that he believes 3D is a gimmick and refuses to shoot in the format. He is also apparently sticking to his guns in the talks with Paramount and only time will tell if the film end up making the format move.

This is exactly what I was afraid of after Avatar came out. Studios are now pushing film makers to shoot in 3D solely for monetary gain. If the director wants to shoot in 3D then I am cool with it but forcing 3D is just wrong. Bond does not seem like the franchise that would benefit from 3D. I can’t imagine Sam Mendes enjoying the idea either.

Is this Avatar effect a bad thing? What film do you actually want to see in 3D?

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