According to Deadline Hollywood, Terminator 2: Judgment Day co-writer William Wisher has apparently written a 24 page script treatment for Terminator 5 and a 4 page outline for Terminator 6. The treatment is described by Deadline as:

Wisher’s 2-picture construct takes place in a post-apocalyptic battleground, and factors in an element of time travel that allows for Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese to interact beyond their single fateful meeting when he traveled back in time to protect her in the original film. Wisher has created a role for Arnold Schwarzenegger that is as surprising as his shift from villain in the first film, to John Connor’s bodyguard in the second. Schwarzenegger wouldn’t be needed until the final film, which wouldn’t shoot until after he ends his term as California Governor. And who wouldn’t want to see Linda Hamilton back in aerobic top fitness form as Sarah Connor?

There are several new villains, and plenty of firepower. For instance, a swarm of “Night Crawlers,” 4 1/2-foot tall border sentries that are set like mines to spring up out of the ground and ambush rebel fighters with 10 MM pistols built into their wrists, and fingers and feet that are razor sharp. Also fresh off the Skynet assembly line are new shape-shifting cyborgs that can morph together in Transformers-like mode, and are more lethal than anything we’ve seen in previous Terminator installments.

It is unknown if Wisher is going to actually be following through with these treatments and turning them into the actual shooting script but it sure is a nice thought. It is also unknown if Terminator Salvation director McG is returning. Keep checking back with The Film Stage for more on this developing story.

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