In Wes Anderson's seventh film Moonrise Kingdom, the quintessential quirkiness that's made the filmmaker a household name is in full effect. Unlike his last liv...
Wes Anderson films usually come with fantastic ensemble cast and his upcoming feature, Moonrise Kingdom, may very well rival his best. Including Bill Murray...
The main reason we enjoy doing what we do here on TFS is to share our love for great independent films that may not be on your radar. It's why we focus our ef...
There few other directors whose soundtrack is so heavily ingrained with their films as Wes Anderson and his works. With his upcoming Moonrise Kingdom on the...
Perhaps the most contentious summer blockbuster season yet is now upon us, but May mostly brings excellent limited releases to the table. Aside from the pic...
“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover” is a proverb whose simple existence proves the fact impressionable souls will do so without fail. This monthly column focuse...
This morning's Cannes announcement was met with some surprise, as it was revealed Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom would not only open the prestigious film f...
After we got the news last night via a trailer that David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis would be joining the Cannes line-up, the rest of the titles have been reve...
While this treatment is usually reserved for the biggest tentpoles, it's neat to see Focus Features set it up big for Wes Anderson's upcoming Moonrise Kingd...
Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom will open Cannes in exactly one month but, until then, anxious fans will have to be sated by some new updates on the project...