The most piercing comedy is often mined from the darker aspects of life, presenting our fears in a new, hopefully amusing light. While Demetri Martin's stand-up...
If Hollywood's newfound fascination with outerspace in The Martian, Interstellar, Gravity and others have one feeling let down in terms of adhering to the f...
When it comes to studio features, there are few we're anticipating more this year than Shane Black's return to the crime drama/comedy with The Nice Guys. St...
Consider this pair of trailers a yin-yang situation -- speaking for their focuses and scale of production, and hopefully not at all of quality. Entering a l...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, videos, and other highlights from across the Internet. If you'd like to submit a piece for consi...
Being that most video essays are looking to give some razzle dazzle via their visual format, it's a given that composition comes up in... well, just about a...
Arriving in theaters this week is Kent Jones' highly entertaining and informative documentary Hitchcock/Truffaut. We've teamed with Cohen Media Group to giv...