Infamous had Capote, Antz had A Bug’s Life—the list goes on. Enter The Fire Within, Werner Herzog’s latest brush with nature’s extremities, and the second docu...
After working at quite a steady clip the last few decades, the usually intrepid 79-year-old Werner Herzog has had a rightfully quiet pandemic. We've now finall...
Molecular shapes collide into one another, at which point they may as well be falling from the heavens. As scientists examine their glassy, often contradictory...
After going Into the Inferno with Clive Oppenheimer, the duo will look to the skies for their next cinematic exploration. Fireball: Visitors From Darker Worlds...
Welcome, one and all, to the latest episode of The Film Stage Show! Today, Brian Roan, Michael Snydel, and Bill Graham are joined by Dom Sinacola to discuss We...
From the heart-wrenching exploration of Timothy Treadwell in Grizzly Man, whose real-life adoration of the titular creatures would portend his own death, to ex...
Had you searched the words "Family Romance" a few weeks before the Cannes Film Festival you would have come across a site for a Tokyo-based business. You would...