War Dogs, not unlike The Big Short, attempts to make entertainment out of outrageous, behind-the-scenes sausage-making that ultimately had an impact on the Amer...
"Cruelty. Brutality. Fraternity." This is the tagline for Andrew Neel's Goat, a film focusing on the initiation process to enter a fraternity (aka hazing) a...
A recently revived trend in cinema is the Scorsese-inspired exercise in excess of bad people doing bad, debaucherous things. This torch of depravity seems t...
Scot Armstrong’s Search Party, which is packed to the gils with comedic talent -- most of whom, thankfully, have found work that’s more tailored to their abili...
Also witnessed as The Hangover trilogy reached its conclusion, Todd Phillips is looking to inject some more drama into his comedies. For his latest project,...
There are no volunteer events, community service or positive team-building exercises to be found in Goat. Director Andrew Neel is focused instead on the most vi...
When it works, it works -- and, more often than not, Dirty Grandpa lands big, sometimes awkward laughs. While more Todd Phillips than Solondz, director Dan Maze...
Before much of the country has gotten its chance to see Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Variety has already reported that director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon's fo...
With more substance than a run-of-the-mill Todd Phillips comedy, Unfinished Business pairs a team that knows the territory of fatherhood well: writer Steven Con...