After a pair of the decade's finest films with The Arbor and The Selfish Giant, Clio Barnard returned this fall with Dark River. The story follows Alice (Ru...
After getting on our radar with this tender 2013 character study Gloria, Chile's Sebastián Lelio followed it up with two features this year, A Fantastic Wom...
Coming to Telluride Film Festival and Toronto International Film Festival without distribution, Hostiles finds Scott Cooper re-teaming with his Out of the F...
Mélanie Laurent hasn't been onscreen a great deal as of late, but she has the ideal excuse: she's been busy behind the camera. Following her astounding dram...
While a good amount of films come to the fall festival season with distribution and a release date already in tow, there's the chance some could ignite such...
There's big-budget sci-fi, jaunts through Paris, cinematic social experiments, explorations of cinematic icons, gruesome exploitation films, and much more....
Miguel (Marcelo Alonso) compares God to a fire when explaining how the ones our religions' sacred books describe aren't quite right. Our creator is simpler than...
It opens in darkness — the beams from headlamp flashlights and sparks of metal on rock our only points of illumination. This is the oppressive environment holdi...