In 2020, filmmaker Rob Savage found himself stuck in place from pandemic lockdowns. Rather than wait things out, he got clever and, with friends, made the horr...
While the premise of Penny Lane's Listening to Kenny G unfolds through the comedic question "why do so many people hate Kenny G?" it quickly reveals itself a r...
While handsomely shot, well-cast, and occasionally atmospheric, the latest from Belgian director Fabrice Du Welz qualifies as a watchable disappointment. Inexo...
The text reads: Palestine, 1948. That's all you need to know to understand what's coming. A year earlier marked the start of the Palestinian Civil War between ...
Desperate for respite from their bourgeois lives in Poland, Adam (Dobromir Dymecki) and Anna (Agnieszka Zulewska) decide to vacation on a tiny Italian island. ...
It's a question we ask through the duration of our lives: what's the point? Maybe you say these words in search of meaning where humanity as a species is conce...
The best way to describe Ildikó Enyedi’s latest film is a disappointing Martin Eden. Despite having just as much of an eye for beautiful imagery as Pietro Marc...
Mother's Day, 1924: a day for servant girls to ride the train home to their mothers and wealthy mothers to have brunch with their children. Except that a post-...
On first blush, Wi Ding Ho's Taipei-set Terrorizers looks like a love story six years in the making. That's when young, blonde dishwasher Xiao Zhang (J.C. Lin)...
A beast has arrived at a small town on the border between Argentina and Brazil. People talk about it being the spirit of an evil man transforming into differen...