Films centered around disabled people often focus on the inevitable demise of their main characters. Not so in the bracingly optimistic road movie The Fundament...
Whit Stillman and Jane Austen are a match as well-made as any in one of Austen’s books. And Austen’s novella, Lady Susan -- probably her least-appreciated piece...
When the worst horror imaginable happens to your community, how do you emotionally rebuild? How do you embrace your neighbor, knowing the pain that's seared int...
A common trope at Sundance is the star-led indie, painted top-to-toe with eccentricities that are meant to represent/replace both story and character developmen...
Perhaps the most inside-baseball of films at Sundance this year, JJ Garvine and Tai Parquet’s Film Hawk is an intimate look at film consultant extraordinaire Bo...
With his unassuming, quietly affecting films leaving such a distinctly indelible impact long after the credits roll, we may only have three features from Kennet...
If one imagines a real-life version of Up with a bit of Thelma & Louise thrown in, they get Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Taika Waititi's charming on-the-run a...
A Flag Without a Country comes across less as a documentary than a based-on-a-true-story movie in which everyone plays themselves. Indeed, protagonists Nariman ...
The latest documentary to tackle teen bullying and consequential suicide, Audrie & Daisy approaches its subject specifically through the lens of rape cultur...
Socially disruptive activism is a risky practice no matter what the country. But in China -- where anybody on the street could be a government spy, one can be j...