Everyone once and a while, a heartbreaking film comes along that is all the more searing when the truth is being handled. Gleason is a documentary that foll...
If summer movie season has you feeling burnt out, fear not, the promising fall slate is shaping up. The first confirmed festival premiere comes from the 73r...
The first feature from writer-director JT Mollner has just been treated with its first trailer. Outlaws and Angels follows a seemingly innocent frontier fam...
It was just yesterday that we shared the trailer for a new documentary on the life and career of Ken Loach, who has spent the last half-a-century crafting i...
One of the most charming films at this year's Sundance was Morris From America, Chad Hartigan's follow-up This is Martin Bonner. The film follows Morris (Ma...
With his singularly gruesome horror features (and an episode of CSI: Miami to boot), by now you are either a fan of Rob Zombie's directorial style or not. T...
"It kind of freed me from a lot of criticisms people have from my other films," Whit Stillman told us at Sundance earlier this year, speaking about adapting...
For many of us, we can name more than a few Disney classics that left an imprint on our childhood in remarkable ways. However, for one family they were more...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we've taken it upon ourselves to hig...