Following the Second World War, European auteurs probed its lingering national psychological fallout resulting in films such as Night and Fog, Hiroshima Mon Amo...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we've taken it upon ourselves to ...
It was only a year ago when Alex Ross Perry's name was mentioned primarily among a small, supportive group of cinephiles, this contingent visibly excited by...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we've taken it upon ourselves to hig...
In a world where Ain't Them Bodies Saints director David Lowery can reboot Pete's Dragon, we suppose we shouldn't be surprised when another Sundance darling...
"James [Franco] has really resuscitated my interest and understanding what independent film is supposed to be, which is relentlessly author drive and director driven, but utterly inclusive, and to use that seeming contradiction to balance a collective approach to filmmaking that, nevertheless, has a very clear point of view."...
Oculus Rift, the groundbreaking virtual reality company bought by Facebook earlier this year for a whopping $2 billion, has been primarily used in the world...
Earning much acclaim for her performances in both Olivier Assayas' Clouds of Sils Maria and Still Alice with Julianne Moore, the actress recently got a chan...
If September was merely the warm-up for our fall film season, October is a full-on assault of incredible titles, ranging from the widest of releases to a few that will, unfortunately, arrive in only a handful of theaters....