Following his deadpan dark comedies Faults and The Art of Self-Defense, Riley Stearns heads into sci-fi territory with Dual, which still finds slivers of humor...
Dual, the third feature from writer/director Riley Stearns, follows a young woman named Sarah (Karen Gillan), who opts to be replaced with a “double” after fin...
Dual, Riley Stearns’ third feature following Faults and The Art of Self-Defense, establishes its endgame within the first five minutes. Opening on a split foot...
Following his impressive first two features, the dark comedy/dramas Faults and The Art of Self-Defense, writer-director Riley Stearns has unveiled his third fi...
We talk with the director, who has proven to be one of the more distinctive voices in American independent filmmaking, about mixing humor and horror in the world of karate....