Although production has been going on for some months, the cast for Ridley Scott's next installment in the Alien franchise is continuing to expand. Deadline...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we've taken it upon ourselves to hig...
Despite what the Golden Globes members insist, we wouldn't quite classify Ridley Scott's The Martian as a comedy. However, if you're looking for a lighter M...
Backed by Ridley Scott, his son Luke Scott has made his feature directorial debut with Morgan and today we have the first trailer ahead of a fall release. S...
S. Craig Zahler's ascent has been quick and undeniable. To most, the name completely unknown just a year back -- unless you're a voracious reader of western...
With editors and cinematographers chiming in on the best examples of their craft in cinema history, it's now time for directors to have a say. To celebrate ...
Denis Villeneuve's massively intriguing, potentially disastrous Blade Runner sequel has further upped its credibility: according to Variety, the project's a...
If Christian Bale's reluctance about getting fat did indeed put an inextricable nail in Ferrari's coffin, Michael Mann could instead head to very comfortabl...
Almost nobody would've expected Ava DuVernay to become a leading fantasy filmmaker, yet the director's post-Selma path has been littered with one such proje...