After crafting "cinema for the post-theatrical era" with the low-budget, partially Kickstarted erotic drama The Canyons (our review), Paul Schrader is getti...
Since 1989, the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress has been accomplishing the important task of preserving films that “represent important cu...
When the Criterion Collection announced that Yasujirô Ozu’s towering 1953 work, Tokyo Story, would be coming to Blu-ray, my first reaction was “shit.” Not t...
As introduced by a very reverent John Lithgow, the hour-long documentary “The Film School Generation” -- made in 1995 as part of an omnibus TV project entit...
Before this weekend, it didn't seem very likely that we'd find some clear connection between the productions of Paul Schrader's The Canyons and Spike Jonze'...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we believe it's our duty to highlight ...
What follows is nothing short of staggering: as a celebration of their seventieth anniversary, the Venice International Film Festival commissioned seventy f...
As both a filmmaker and figurehead of independent cinema of the '80s and '90s, Spike Lee has never show himself afraid to travel down new routes, seeing whe...
The current economic model has been tough on Paul Schrader, whose preference for dark, old-fashioned, and uncompromised filmmaking is exactly the combinatio...