It remains to be seen if Paul Feig's new take on Ghostbusters is comedy highlight of the summer, but based on some of degenerate behavior surrounding its pr...
Denis Villeneuve's massively intriguing, potentially disastrous Blade Runner sequel has further upped its credibility: according to Variety, the project's a...
Every week we dive into the cream of the crop when it comes to home releases, including Blu-ray and DVDs, as well as recommended deals of the week. Check ou...
"Ghostbusters features one the most likable group of friends, so it's kinda odd to see how terribly unlikable some Ghostbusters fans are," our own Jack Giro...
Who you gonna call? If you're Sony, Paul Feig, apparently. After making a string of hits with Bridesmaids, The Heat, and last summer's Spy, he's the ideal f...
Recipient of the newly minted DGA award for Best First-Time Director, Ex Machina's Alex Garland is already deep into casting his follow-up, another sci-fi f...