Filmmakers are not their films, but Mia Hansen-Løve continues drawing the assumption. Her eighth feature, One Fine Morning, extends a series of semi-autobiogra...
Featuring one of a handful of great performances Léa Seydoux gave in 2022 releases, Mia Hansen-Løve's tender drama One Fine Morning is one of the major films o...
For Mia Hansen-Løve, the 2022 Cannes Film Festival marked a few returns. A year on from premiering Bergman Island, Hansen-Løve screened One Fine Morning, the d...
Mia Hansen-Løve once spoke of her corpus like a home: "I think of my work on two levels: the film itself, and then the film as a part of a larger whole. A hous...
Let's start the week with some exceptionally good news: Screen Daily report Mia Hansen-Løve is about to wrap production on her new new feature One Fine Morning...