One of the most intriguing films at the New York Film Festival this fall was Benjamin Heisenberg's Austrian-German thriller The Robber. Telling the real-lif...
2010 is coming to an end and with it, we have a slew of Oscar hopefuls the month of December. My current favorite film of the year is hitting, as well as one ...
This past weekend, TFS Contributor Raffi Asdourian and myself attended a press conference for the film Hereafter, which was the closing night film at the New York Film Festival. The film follows three parallel stories about three people who have been impacted by death and their own mortality in some way. In attendance at the press conference was director Clint Eastwood, screenwriter Peter Morgan, and actors Matt Damon, Cécile de France, and Bryce Dallas Howard....
Mike Leigh's new film Another Year, like Mike Leigh's old films, is all about real people and their interactions with each other. This time around, the subj...
Abbas Kiarostami films are a true delight for those familiar with his deliberately slow and restrained style (10, The Taste Of Cherry Blossoms) which is fil...
In 1996, a group of French Cistercian monks residing in Tibhirine, Algeria were kidnapped and then later killed, supposedly when negotiations broke down between the French government and the terrorist group. Based on factual events Xavier Beauvois' Of Gods & Men (Des hommes et des dieux) examines the decision by the monks to remain in the war-torn country, even after being threatened by Islamic extremists....
Riding high at 100% with almost 40 reviews on RottenTomatoes, David Fincher's The Social Network is set to debut in a few days. Telling the story of Faceboo...
John Lennon, too many, is the most influential musician of the last century. He led the one of the most iconic bands of all time into the history books and ...
The Robber is a adrenaline pumping heist film that chronicles the infamous true life crime spree of Austrian marathon runner 'Pump-gun Ronnie' who on an end...
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives is one of the coolest titles to come in a long time. This critically acclaimed entry from the often overlooked T...