With Berlin Film Festival kicking off this week, so is European Film Market, which is announcing a variety of projects in various stages of production. Firs...
After wrapping up Sundance Film Festival, the next big American event in cinema is Austin's South by Southwest Film Festival and today they've announced the...
The career of Nicolas Cage includes many question marks, but perhaps the biggest as of yet is his involvement in an upcoming remake. As the trailer just deb...
Transitioning out of the studio comedy realm, David Gordon Green debuted his admirable, small-scale Prince Avalanche last year and 2014 will bring the theat...
After crafting "cinema for the post-theatrical era" with the low-budget, partially Kickstarted erotic drama The Canyons (our review), Paul Schrader is getti...
It’s hard to keep track of Nicolas Cage these days, especially when many of his releases receive little to no promotion. This year alone, the movie making ...
While remakes are no stranger to the land of Hollywood and abroad, rare is the case when a filmmaker decides to provide a new take on their earlier work. Warr...
Since any New York City cinephile has a nearly suffocating wealth of theatrical options, we figured it’d be best to compile some of the more worthwhile repe...
While it often feels like a brother to Jeff Nichols' brilliant Mud, David Gordon Green's newest drama Joe even has the same young actor supporting his titular l...