With a cast that puts any superhero ensemble to shame, Martin Scorsese has officially finalized his lineup for his upcoming gangster epic The Irishman. Afte...
If you're looking for a film course this summer, one might be able to accomplish such a thing in the span of one sitting thanks to a new film. A new trailer...
Alfred Hitchcock might have been stating the obvious when he said, "If it’s a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfect ide...
While Cannes Film Festival premieres some of the best new films of the year, they also have a rich history of highlighting cinema history with their Cannes ...
Faith-based cinema is as diverse a genre as there is, from the extreme, often violent portraits of devotion from established directors like Martin Scorsese and ...
Averting the bigger is better approach that plagues most franchises, The Trip series is attuned to life's simple pleasures: cuisine, comedy, and companionship. ...
Martin Scorsese's long-awaited reunion with Robert De Niro will finally happen with The Irishman; and with The Devil in the White City seemingly on the back...
The Criterion Collection will venture to the Zone this July, and much more, as they've announced their new titles for the month. Andrei Tarkovsky's long-rum...