After emerging on the scene with Monsters and Men, director Reinaldo Marcus Green is gearing up for a major year. Following a TIFF premiere, his Mark Wahlberg...
The background of how Infinite was optioned is a fun, anecdotal tale steeped in what some might construe as fate, others simply dismiss as dumb luck. In 2009 f...
Welcome to The B-Side, from The Film Stage. Here we talk about movie stars and filmmakers and not the movies that made them famous or kept them famous, but the...
first event at which we see Joe Bell (Mark Wahlberg) speak his anti-bullying
message can't help but make you laugh. He's standing on-stage with a dishevele...
The career of Peter Berg is a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. There's the throwback highs of The Rundown and strong drama of Friday Night Lights mixed wi...