Although the fall film festivals are now underway, one title not making an appearance is perhaps our most-anticipated of the year. As Netflix sits out of Venic...
Marking his first feature film since 2014's Gone Girl, David Fincher will finally return this year with the highly-anticipated Mank. A black-and-white biopic o...
The pandemic has not only caused numerous delays and cancellations in terms of theatrical releases and film festivals — it's also causing some distributors and...
After highlighting 40 films that we can guarantee are worth seeing this year and 30 films we hope will get U.S. distribution, it's time we venture in...
20 years ago on this day, Fight Club was released. Since his cult hit, David Fincher has made six films but the wait for his seventh will be the longest yet. Af...
Been a while since any film news -- much less, let's be honest, some concerning the second-most-powerful company in Hollywood -- got a fully thought-through...