A pair of renowned auteurs who often work in secrecy have finished shooting their next projects. First up, South Korean director Hong Sangsoo has actually shot...
It's a good time to be a Hong Sangsoo fan. With an NYC retrospective underway, where the South Korean director is appearing in person, and a LA retrospective k...
There is a small but growing belief among critics that just as Hong Sangsoo inches toward legendary status (festival omnipresence; evangelized by Richard Brody...
By evidence, Hong Sangsoo may never make an Oki’s Movie or Hill of Freedom-type work again; our maestro is shooting for bigger emotional game. It’s fascinating...
Another week passes, another (likely) excellent Hong Sangsoo film premieres. Just five months since Berlinale selection Introduction will the South Korean mast...
As last year's Berlinale premiere The Woman Who Ran arrives in the U.S. next week—followed by his next film Introduction at the German festival earlier this ye...
Yes, the above headline could be a descriptor for any number of Hong Sangsoo movies, but The Woman Who Ran is one of the South Korean master's most poignant an...
Another day, another Hong trailer. After our exclusive debut of the new U.S. trailer for Hong Sangsoo's Yourself and Yours, arriving next Friday, the new trail...
As of late, Hong Sangsoo's recent features have enjoyed U.S. distribution but thankfully his back catalog is now, after some festival plays, getting a new life...
Get ready for a Hong summer. On the heels of the announcement that Hong Sangsoo’s Yourself and Yours will finally get a U.S. release this summer, two more favo...