After directing the finest film of last year with the astounding, Oscar-nominated documentary Time, director Garrett Bradley is heading into entirely new terri...
It's rare for the best film of the year to actually get recognition from the Academy, but this year they got at least one thing right by nominating Garrett Bra...
As the year winds down, it's become increasingly clear there will not be better film released in 2020 than Garrett Bradley's poetic, urgent masterpiece Time. I...
The most essential film of the fall thus far is Garrett Bradley's poetic masterpiece Time. Picked up by Amazon for around $5 million, the Best Director documen...
It's been eight months since I've seen Garrett Bradley's poetic masterpiece Time at its Sundance Film Festival premiere, still reeling from its intense emotion...
In September 1997, sparked by desperation and noble intentions, Rob Richardson committed armed robbery. He was handed a 65-year prison sentence with no real ho...