Marking her first film in a decade, Sarah Polley's Women Talking brings together the accomplished cast of Claire Foy, Rooney Mara, Jessie Buckley, Frances McDo...
After a string of stellar films with Away from Her, Take This Waltz, and Stories We Tell, actor-turned-director Sarah Polley stepped away from movie-making for...
After an awards qualifying run last week, one will have to wait a few more months to see one of the year's most acclaimed films. Chloé Zhao, following The Ride...
For all its contemporary elements, the story of Nomadland is as old as America itself. It’s the same hymn about the myth of the open road, stretching onwards i...
As we look towards the fall lineup of movies, both ones already dated and others at least previously eying a debut in the season, there will have to be many de...
One of our most-anticipated films of the year–and one which unfortunately had to shut down about two-thirds through production due to the ongoing pandemic–is J...