Sundance Film Festival season is just around the corner, and the official lineup is a promising showcase of talent from around the world. In anticipation of the...
The feature film lineup at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival has been unveiled, featuring 118 films. Among the highly-anticipated premieres we have Josephine Deck...
Monsoon, the latest film from director Hong Khaou, grapples with lost identity, being trapped between two worlds and cultures. Khaou’s previous work Lilting is ...
A masterful work of sensory ethnography even if falls a bit short of having an emotional impact, Anbessa is a tender and observant film that recalls the works o...
Milla is not the first terminally stricken teen girl to grace a coming-of-age film, nor will she be the last. She may, however, be the most precocious: kitted o...
The polarizing legal documentary Advocate has rightfully caused controversy within Israel and around the world, telling the story of Lea Tsemel, a Jewish-Israel...
It seems as though you really have to be a Missolonghi native to appreciate the beauty of that swampy eel-fishing Greek town where the characters of The Miracle...
The history of movie culture is full of colorful characters committed to elevating the experience. Donald Rugoff’s exhibition and distribution company Cinema 5 ...
A mild-mannered personal trainer from Tampa is galvanized into action, turning nearly into a cold-blooded, revenge-seeking gangster in Aengus James’ After the M...
In Valentyn Vasyanovych’s post-apocalyptic Atlantis, the sky above Ukraine hangs like a sheet of steel, a uniform mass of clouds bucketing water onto the mud-co...