It was just a few days ago when we featured a trailer for an Elijah Wood-led Hitchcockian thriller taking in place in real-time, directed by a talented Span...
Hitting theaters today is You're Next, a film many fans of the horror genre have been waiting for for nearly two years. The home invasion genre has been sad...
In 2011, a little horror film called You're Next premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and was almost immediately snapped up by Lionsgate. Fo...
If one is looking for the one place to find the most twisted, bloody good time in theaters this fall (outside of perhaps Fantastic Fest), yesterday morning br...
Although countless action films hit theaters every year, rarely do any put weapons in the hands of kids. A new upcoming film doesn't quite do that, but it g...
Premiering at Toronto International Film Festival 2011, it will be nearly two whole years before Adam Wingard and Simon Barrett's horror film You're Next fi...
Emily Hagins is a bit of a local legend. She broke out onto the scene with My Sucky Teen Romance, but she's been a young director making waves and grabbing ...
In a fall of highly-anticipated features, one has to feel a bit bad for the remake Red Dawn. Already delayed to MGM's financial struggles, the film has rece...
Equal turns creepy, funny, sad, and heartwarming, Sinister is a seriously goosebumps-inducing horror film that doesn't skip character development for the sa...
After taking a fascinating look back at the world's Best Worst Movie, Troll 2, director Michael Paul Stephenson has secured a more expansive subject for his...