Edward Norton

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65 Must-See Movies of 2010

After closing out the decade with our 100 favorite films, The Film Stage has come together once again to bring you 65 films that we have hope for in 2010. [...]...

Top 100 Films of the Decade

For the past few months here at The Film Stage we have had endless debates on the 100 films that defined the decade. After many late nights whittling the list down and some films that hurt to let go, we have landed on 100 films that we believe everyone should see and share. [...]...
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First ‘Iron Man 2’ Poster Reveals War Machine

Earlier today director Jon Favreau tweeted that the first poster for Iron Man 2 would be unvieled today. He did not lie my friends. Paramount has debuted the first teaser poster over at Yahoo. In the poster we get a heavy look at War Machine, played by Don Cheadle (who replaced Terrence Howard as Col. James 'Rhodey' Rhodes). We should also be getting a new trailer before Sherlock Holmes this Christmas. Check out the poster below....
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Top 20 On-Screen Duos

With the release of All Saints Day looming, we here at The Film Stage were left to wonder: what makes the perfect on-screen duo? Obviously, chemistry is the primary factor. But what else is there [...]...