A riveting and creepy slow burn, Something Else imagines a second kind of “darkness on the edge of town," that feeling one might experience right between teenho...
The Duplass Brothers Productions has become the Blumhouse of character-driven indies, an established label that upcoming filmmakers gravitate towards to work wi...
Perhaps not all films are suited for the Duplass brothers treatment. Take Me, an amateurish directorial debut from actor Pat Healy, working from a script by Mik...
After working with Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, the Coens, Bennett Miller, Judd Apatow, Duplass brothers, David O. Russell, and more, Jonah Hill will...
There are indie film scenes like the one chronicled in Actor Martinez everywhere, ones where those with a day job have ambitions that cannot and never will pay ...
As the film portion of South by Southwest Film Festival winds down, easily one the biggest highlights started at the beginning. Opening Richard Linklater's ...
Before Karina Longworth provided one of the most disturbing and thrilling accounts of the Manson family in her podcast You Must Remember This, South by Sout...
Although exemplary writing and acting duties on the Before series have earned Julie Delpy extra-special commendation as a creative voice, her work as writer...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we've taken it upon ourselves to highlight the titles that have recently hit the interwebs....
When it comes to the shifting state of distribution, as smaller independent films either find their way available online first or not in theaters at all, we...