When Laura Palmer is found dead and wrapped in plastic, her tragic end ripples throughout David Lynch's Twin Peaks to devastating effect. An outsider in Agent C...
It’s summertime, and that means a roundup of film-related books must include some lighter fare—hence this column’s inclusion of reads about Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Alien, and Dungeons & Dragons....
With the U.S. release of Pasolini, the premiere of his new documentary The Projectionist at Tribeca, his new narrative film Tommaso bowing at Cannes, production...
In just two weeks, a cinematic haven will launch. After the demise of FilmStruck left cinephiles in a dark depression, The Criterion Channel has stepped up ...
The holidays are upon us, so whether you looking for film-related gift ideas or simply want to pick up some of the finest the year had to offer in the category for yourself, we have a gift guide for you....
David Lynch's year of oddball contributions continues apace. Following the unearthing of a 25-year-old, generally awesome album, Thought Gang, he's debuted ...
It's entirely possible we'll never get another long-form moving-image work from David Lynch–though, if you'll excuse my language, who the fuck knows; more o...