After making one of the most authentically emotional films of his career with A Dangerous Method, David Cronenberg has begun exploring the world of artificialit...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from our colleagues across the Internet -- and, occasionally, our own write...
Kicking off this week, a selection of year's finest cinematic works will be unveiled in France and we're letting you know what should be on your radar....
With less than a week to go until Cannes Film Festival kicks off, we've got some new footage from a trio of our most-anticipated films. First up, the debut ...
"After being dissed for years because of Twilight, my ego was a little bruised," Robert Pattinson recently told Premiere Magazine. "For a long time, I wante...
We are finally in the month of Cannes Film Festival and near the top of our most-anticipated films debuting there is the latest drama from David Cronenberg....
The rest of the year will mark a busy period for David Cronenberg, as he not only promotes the Cannes premiere and release of his next film, but an upcoming...
Soon after the official Cannes Film Festival line-up dropped the floodgates opened for distributors and producers to show off their features that will grace t...
After months of speculation, the day has finally arrived: Cannes Film Festival have unveiled their 2014 line-up. With a jury led by Jane Campion and the ope...