How's this for a 100th birthday present? After working to secure the rights for Orson Welles' final, unfinished film The Other Side of the Wind, it looks li...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we've taken it upon ourselves to ...
Despite being one of the year's better films thus far, Blackhat marked a financial low for Michael Mann, so much so we thought it might be some time before ...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from across the Internet. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration...
With a seemingly endless amount of streaming options -- not only the titles at our disposal, but services themselves -- we've taken it upon ourselves to ...
With his tirelessly brutal movies, Eli Roth isn't for everybody. Hostel and Hostel II aren't exactly easy watches, but Roth does what he does well, even if it's...
Dailies is a round-up of essential film writing, news bits, and other highlights from across the Internet. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration...
With each passing year, I lose less and less sleep over new releases. As of this writing on Dec. 30, I have logged 447 films on Letterboxd in 2014; the number...