While Luis Buñuel's Catherine Deneuve-led masterpiece Belle de Jour joined The Criterion Collection earlier this decade, with the film now celebrating its 5...
While she recently opened Cannes with Ismael's Ghosts, a Marion Cotillard-led feature from last year's festival will now get a release next month. Nicole Ga...
When Claire Denis announced her new film Let the Sunshine In and premiered it at Cannes just last month, some thought it signaled a further delay for her am...
It's not a major film festival without a new film from Isabelle Huppert. While Cannes saw the premieres of Happy End and Claire's Camera, last fall a handfu...
While the vast majority of our favorite films of last year have been treated with Blu-ray releases, one title near the top of the list we've been waiting th...
In less than two weeks one of the most thrilling blockbusters of the summer, Bong Joon-ho's Okja, is arriving. While we recommend going into the globe-tr...
One of the very few films from Sundance Film Festival that also came to Cannes this year was Brigsby Bear, a starring vehicle for Saturday Night Live’s Kyle...
Good Time, the new film from the Safdie Brothers, may not have taken home the Palme d'Or at the recent Cannes Film Festival, but it did win the Soundtrack A...