One of the surprise films that played at this year Cannes Film Festival premiered in a special screening for the Director's Fortnight. That film is Sightsee...
Welcome to a super-sized episode of our official podcast, The Film Stage Show. This week, associate editor Nick Newman, staff writer Danny King and I are jo...
Hot off the news that the first trailer will land next week with Prometheus, we've got a new batch of high-resolution images from Quentin Tarantino's spaghe...
With the 65th Cannes Film Festival winding down today, the jury has announced their winning picks. Following up Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life last year...
In Carlos Reygadas' Post Tenebras Lux, a Latin phrase which translates roughly to "light after darkness," the Mexican filmmaker continues to channel his tradema...
Still exploring the working class American south with a heavy dose of mythical storytelling, only this time with a much broader brush, Jeff Nichols' tries at ma...
At this year's Sundance film festival there was one film that stuck out as anomaly of a new kind of documentary that re-examines the very essence of film cr...
Though he's a filmmaker who has painted on a large tapestry, both literally and figuratively, Bernardo Bertolucci's new film Me and You is decidedly smaller in ...
When asked if the film's message might go over some people's heads, Andrew Dominik, the writer/director of Killing Them Softly, simply asked: "It's pretty fuc...
British filmmaker Ken Loach has been around for nearly half a century, starting as a television director in England before his first feature, Poor Cow, starring...