Update: The official theatrical trailer for Moneyball has now been released in HD. Check it out here.
With a trailer coming this week, attached to Green ...
Update: The official theatrical trailer for Moneyball has now been released in HD. Check it out here.
With a trailer coming this week, attached to Green ...
Ellie Kemper has been tearing it up at the cutest woman on The Office, and even in small supporting roles with Mystery Team, Get Him to the Greek, and Somew...
After dropping The Wolverine and coming off his mega-hit Black Swan, we've been eagerly awaiting for what the Oscar-nominated Darren Aronofsky will do next....
Sprawling and epic -- two obvious, but true words to describe any Malick film. To no surprise whatsoever, The Tree of Life fits into that lush and overwhelm...
In a world where sequels to animated hits get churned out within what seems like a flash, the wait for Happy Feet Two has been surprisingly long. It'll be o...
While at the Cannes Film Festival I had a unique opportunity to interview a pioneer in the independent film realm who hopes to really shake up the stale stu...
Each week within this column we strive to pair the latest in theatrical releases to the worthwhile titles currently available on Netflix Instant Watch.
As Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life finally got a distributor in Fox Searchlight, then a summer release date, mum was still the word on his companion IMAX...
The first clip from Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life provided a glimpse of the distinctive style, and then the second clip was more or less a self-contained...