Film festivals sometimes treasure specific directors for reasons that remain unfathomable to external observers. The Berlinale’s continued advocacy of Isabel Co...
With Berlin Film Festival recently kicking off, one of our most-anticipated films from the line-up is The Seventh Fire. Directed by Jack Pettibone Riccobono...
When it comes to the films of Terrence Malick, we can't be sure what we'll get or even when they will arrive until we're actually sitting down in the theate...
As if new films from Terrence Malick, Jafar Panahi, Alex Ross Perry, Anton Corbijn, Werner Herzog, and Andrew Haigh weren't enough, Berlin Film Festival has...
With our most-anticipated film of the year leading the line-up, this year's Berlin Film Festival has announced more titles to join the slate. Notably Werner H...
Yes, there will be non-Terrence Malick-directed films at the Berlin Film Festival this year. The first one out of the gate at the prestigious festival will ...
Following Sundance and Berlin shortly, the next big film festival will arrive in March with Austin's South by Southwest and today we have our first inkling ...